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      This are the 15 musical canvases:

1.- Claude Monet. Rouen´s Cathedral. (1913), 5'00''

2.- Manuel Franquelo .Without title (1992), 3'23''

3.- Il Tintoretto. The lady that shows her breast (1545), 5'12'' Javier Paxariño: Nay, bass clarinet, ti-tze

4.- J.W.Waterhouse. The lady of Shallot (1888), 5'20''

5.- Francisco de Goya. Perro semihundido (1850), 4'39'' Iury Lech: Percussion and electronics

6.- Salvador Dalí. The dream (1937), 1'08''

7.- Van Gogh. Prisioners wheel (1891), 5'32''

7.- Kandinsky. Sur blanc (1915), 4'57''

9.- Mark Rothko. Red over black  (1930), 2'56'' Klaus Böhlmann: Jazz piano

10.- Edvard Munch. Madonna (1948), 6'32''

11.- Edward Hooper. Windows at night (1928), 5'19'' Suso Saiz: Video games and electric guitars

12.- Paolo Ucello. Sant George and the dragon (1458), 3'36''

13.- Eric Fischl. Bad boy (1964), 3'53''

14.- Il Caravaggio.Muchacho con laúd (1590), 3'07'' Luis Delgado: Lute

15.- Manuel Mompó.Estelas en un paisaje (1979), 4'17'' Julián Aragoneses: MIDI sax

Thanks to Pamela Anderson and María José Laguna for they voices in Bad Boy and the Franquelo´s canvas, respectively.

Special acknowledge to Modest Mussorgsky, for his brilliant idea in "Pictures at an exhibition".

All tracks composed, performed and produced by Antonio Dyaz. Recorded in K World studios (Alabama) except :3,5,11,14 and 15:

3, composed with Javier Paxariño and recorded in Oasis studios (Madrid)

5, composed with Iury Lech, and recorded in Insolit studios (Barcelona)

11, composed with Suso Saiz, and recorded in Mirrors Place (Madrid)

14, composed with Luis Delgado, and recorded in his Torrelodones studio (Madrid)

15, composed with Julián Aragoneses, and recorded in the Adolfo Marsillach´s penthouse (Madrid)





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